Speaking History

The following is a selected list of Patrice Truman’s past speaking engagements. For a complete list, contact Truman Jury & Trial Consulting.

"Depositions and the Effective Witness at Trial"
Sponsored by University of San Francisco School of Law
San Francisco, California
November 10, 2020, and November 6, 2018

"Effectively Presenting to the Jury"
Sponsored by Sonoma County Bar Association
Santa Rosa, California
June 29, 2017

"Bias and Voir Dire"
Sponsored by Asian/Pacific Bar Association of Sacramento
Sacramento, California
April 8, 2016

"Understanding Jurors in the Jury Box"
Sponsored by University of California Berkeley Law
Berkeley, California
April 27, 2015

"What You Need To Know About Jurors"
Sponsored by University of San Francisco School of Law
San Francisco, California
March 31, 2015

"Cultural Bias in Jury Selection"
Author and Moderator
Sponsored by San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association
San Francisco, California
January 20, 2015

"Voir Dire Strategy and Preparation"
Sponsored by Bar Association of San Francisco
San Francisco, California
October 17, 2014

"Body Language Responds to the Trial Story"
Sponsored by Eastern Alameda County Bar Association
Pleasanton, California
May 17, 2013

"How to Interpret the Body Language and Read the Non-Verbal Communications of Your Jurors"
Sponsored by the Sonoma County Bar Association
Santa Rosa, California
September 23, 2011

"Depositions, Impeachment, and Jurors"
Sponsored by University of San Francisco School of Law
San Francisco, California
March 23, 2011

"Anatomy of Jury Selection: In Jurors' Own Words"
Sponsored by Squire Sanders & Dempsey LLP
San Francisco, California
September 16, 2010

"Jury Selection in Tough Economic Times"
Sponsored by Consumer Attorneys of Sonoma County
Santa Rosa, California
November 18, 2009

"Voir Dire Do's and Don'ts, Lawyer Examination" Panel Discussion
Sponsored by Sonoma County Bar Association
Santa Rosa, California
September 29, 2009

"Jurors Speak Out"
Sponsored by Eastern Alameda County Bar Association
Pleasanton, California
September 18, 2009

"Understanding Juries"
Sponsored by the Office of the United States Attorney,
Northern District of California
San Francisco, California
June 9, 2009

"The Changing Face of the Jury Pools"
Sponsored by Wilson Elser
San Francisco, California
July 24, 2008

"Selecting the Winning Jury"
Sponsored by the Thurgood Marshall Inn of Court in affiliation with
The Catholic University of America
Washington, D.C.
November 29, 2007

"All the World is a Stage...Facing Voir Dire Without The Stage Fright"
Earl Warren American Inn of Court, Program Leader
Oakland, California
September 19, 2007

"Jurors Speak Out"
Sponsored by Capitol City Trial Lawyers Association
Sacramento, California
January 27, 2006

"Winning Strategies for Jury Selection in California: Communication, Credibility and Common Sense in the Courtroom"
Sponsored by the National Business Institute
Sacramento, California
May 18, 2005

"Don't Get Caught With a Runaway Jury"
Sponsored by Lewis, Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP
San Francisco, California
January 6, 2005